
Showing posts from April, 2021

Post #12

 A lie is cooperative because it does not take hold until a person decides to accept it. I agree because you can call out a lie most times. Lying brings what we wish we are with what we want to because we want it to be true. Being covertly for lying means that we accept lying in everyday life. We all use white lies. Some techniques to spot liars are using formal and distant language, freezing their upper half, tell story in chronological order, and not being willing to brainstorm ideas on the subject. We want to know these to know if people are lying. Honesty is worth preserving. One way to change this is through punishing lying other than true right lies.

Post #11

 One I want to have after college is a better work pace. By this I mean spreading the work out more during the week rather than doing most of it on one day. I feel that this would reduce any stress. A second skill is to better hold conversations with new people. This would help improve my outcome in interviews. A third skill is to be able to better invest myself in things that I may not necessarily want to do. This helps with keeping me doing all of the things that I need to do. A fourth skill is leadership. This is a skill in the way that it is something you have to work on to improve. I want this skill because  it will further my career where ever I end up. The final skill I want to gain is wood turning. Wood turning is a way of woodworking where you carve the wood as it is being rotated very fast. I want this skill because I enjoy doing things with my hands and it is good to have things other than work in your life.